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For those exceptionally paranoid visitors who think we will blab their details all over the net...

You're wrong!

You're not that important...

We'll you are but, we can't find anything decent to gossip about. So your information is completely safe and will not be shared, sold, given away or otherwise disseminated to any living person, including uncle Sam, auntie Agatha or any investigative reporter.

Except of course under a court order or extreme torture.

Now for something completely different...

This is for those more serious folks who's favorite past time is reading complex legal documents, watching reruns on the history channel or scanning the labels on breakfast cereal boxes with a magnifying glass.

Any information you provide at the Joe and Mable Site will be kept safe, secure and in strict confidence. Your information will not shared, sold, given away or otherwise disseminated to any other party, except under a court order and then, only to comply with the law.


Terms of service.

Since there isn't any service, there aren't any terms, so goodbye and thank you for calling.

Wait! That's not right...

We offer excellent service, unparalleled in galactic history, so I guess we'll have to make up some terms to go with it.

  1. We promised to answer all your questions within a reasonable time frame, or before one of dies.

  2. All advertising on this site is purchased pursuant to a monthly contract with the exception of banner advertising, which is purchased on an impression basis. Any advertising placed on the site will remain on the site for a full month and is not refundable once the ad has been placed on the site. The client shall have the option to renew the ad-space on a month by month basis.

    All banner advertising will be continuously shown until the impressions paid for have been delivered in full, at which time, the banner shall be removed from the site unless the client renews their order.

    Special sponsor packages shall be entered into pursuant to individual written contracts.

    This simply means, if you feel the need, the urge, the compulsion or any other desire to ask for a refund, don't.

  3. All content included on this site, such as text, graphics, logos, images, scripts, trademarks and back office design, is the property of JPE Advertising, it's subsidiaries and its content suppliers and is protected by U.S. and international copyright laws.

    No part of our website may be reproduced, copied, duplicated or transmitted in part or in full by any means (including printed, text or digital form) without written permission from the authors.

    Which simply means... Keep your fingers off!

  4. JPE Advertising and it's it's subsidiaries, employs a strict NO SPAM policy. All our lead capture forms, fully comply with the CanSpam Act 2004, so you have real peace of mind. We all utilize verified, double optin techniques in the gathering of all information.

    Which simply means, we are above board, straight as a die, ridgey didge and completely true blue!

  5. Here's the stuff our lawyer makes us ad...

    JPE Advertising and its subsidiaries does not warrant that our websites or services will be error free or uninterrupted. Our websites and services are delivered on an 'As Is' basis without warranties of any kind, either expressed or implied. JPE Advertising will not be responsible for any losses, damages or costs that you or your business may suffer when using our websites or services. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless, JPE Advertising, from any claim resulting in your use of our website or services. You expressly agree that your use of our website and service is at your sole risk. Neither JPE Advertising, or it's service providers, agents, licensors, employees, or third party partners shall have any liability for any damages suffered by you or any other party as a result of the use or misuse of our services.

    Which simply means, stuff happens. So don't even think about belly-aching, Grizzling, complaining, or moaning. No one is listening.

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a division of JAM Marketing Inc., All rights reserved!