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Some short (almost real) bios on our
cast and crew to help you get to know us better...
JOE (aka Phil
Was born on a distant star, in a galaxy far, far away,
many moons ago. He was fed on goats milk, straight from the goat, which probably explains
a lot of things.
Born with a creative flair for the dramatic, he started writing and creating ads when he
was 12, however his friends at school didn't appreciate them. |
Dejected but undetered he took up
studying human nature and became a professional counselor. He started practising on
himself but that didn't lead anywhere so, as a last resort, he took up internet marketing
and it proved a perfect match.
MABLE (aka
Jane Mark)
Was born under a cabbage patch, in downtown New York
City, also a long time ago (although she hates to admit it).
She's an experienced real estate broker, accomplished writer and musician, runs a
successful catering business in NYC, holds a masters degree in psychology and wants
to go to Paris every weekend (which drives Joe nuts). |
(aka Kenneth Doyle)
Wasn't born, he was knitted.
His Irish Grandmother knitted him into a doylie, somewhere in the wilds of North
Queensland some baby boomer years ago.
At the tender age of six he sailed around the world, and upon his return started his own
lemonade stand biz. He tried to franchise it to MacDonald's but they were already into hamburgers, and declined
his offer. Rejected but still |
defiant he fought back... and
went off to primary school.
He sometimes speaks three languages [at once]... is a published poet... creative writer,
Latin percussionist and sings in the shower. He's got two degrees in something or other?
And, his doctor says he has to keep taking his medication.
(aka Corey Stewart)
Was born in a 5 star restaurant playing the
saxophone. The clientele liked his rendition of "Mama" so much they requested
that it be put on the menu. He got a job as the mascot for Pixie photos, and toured local
Kindergartens as an almost can walk comic.
Corey then went on to form his own orchestra, where he played all the instruments, did the
musical direction and conducted himself at the same time. |
In his lunch breaks [to advance his musical
career] he continues to write songs [about 500 to date]. However, they haven't been
recorded yet because he's not old enough to sign the contract. |
Copyright and beyond, Joe and Mable,
a division of JAM Marketing Inc.,
All rights reserved!