here at last!
The world's funniest recipe collection for serious cooks.
Direct from the *STARS*
of the highly acclaimed, Joe and Mable Show! |
Laugh While You Learn To Cook!!
It is a well-known fact that people who
don't eat, die. Science has also discovered that laughter is crucial in maintaining Human
health and well being.
However, even though there is an abundance
of food and comedy TV channels available in the Western world, statistics continue to
indicate that the majority of the population is undernourished and continues to suffer
from a lack of laugher.
This situation has to change if the Western
World is to survive into the next Millennia!
Mable's "Almost Healthy" Cook Book
[which includes Joe's Gourmet Cooking classes as a bonus] is the complete solution to this
pending global disaster. Hordes of skinny, humorless people will become vibrantly alive
once more.

Listen To An Excerpt HERE |
- or the nearest thing we have to one...
Don't let the funny stuff below fool you. These are serious recipes for serious cooks.
They have been enjoyed for years by some of New York's elite and they are perfect for the
busy online or offline entrepreneur. |
Here's what you get when you order
Mable's Online Recipe book.
- 24 easy-to-make, mouth watering recipes from
New York's famed Gourmet Chef extraordinaire, Mable (aka Jane Mark).
- Comprehensive audio instructions from Joe on
how to cook Mable's mouth watering recipes to perfection.
- Fully illustrated pages you can gaze at, or
print out for future reference.
- Discounts from participating doctors who
will help you when your stomach gets really sore from laughing so much.
- Discounts on horse radish from participating
Testimonial - "Mable's Cook Book is definitely one of a kind: matching
great food and humor. Anyone who can get my kids to eat spinach is a miracle worker.
Mable's a great looking gal with a sense of humor and a great cook. That's a deadly
combination. Mable will you marry me? :-)) Wait! I'm married. I guess I'll just have to
settle for the cook book." Bob Knee - Website
Here To Order Your Online Copy of
Mable's "Almost Healthy" Recipe Book! It's only $19.97
Nothing to download - Simple as Pie. |
But that's not all...
- You'll learn how to make chicken soup without chicken.
- You'll discover Mable's closely guarded secret about the
exact amount of cubes of pirate to use in her special recipes.
- You'll see how to dress appropriately when cooking, and
the little understood effect that inappropriate dress has on the quality of the food
you're preparing.
- You'll uncover the difference between the Mable's secret
measurements, "a tinch" and "a pinch". Find out where to get the
complete instructions on this exact measurement and why it is so critical to the success
of your next dinner party.
- And much more...
Testimonial - "Please do more!! This is wonderful. I love this site and I'm
telling my friends all about it! Thank you for sharing." Carolynn Conway. Website
Here To Order Your Online Copy of
Mable's "Almost Healthy" Recipe Book! It's only $19.97
Nothing to download - Simple as Pie. |
Wait! There's even more...
- Never be embarrassed by your spinach salad
- Learn how to deal with aggressive vegetables
while cooking.
- Discover how to choose the best beef for
"Brisket to Die for" and how to use salt as a child minding device.
- Find out a little known fact about
Testimonial - "Thanks Mable, I am gonna try the Spinach Salad, sounds good.
Love how you wrote out the recipe. :-) I'll use garlic bits as well...note: I am lazy too,
LOL. I will Listen to Joe after I get to the store for some batteries. Those kiddos
already went and took them from the speakers out of desperation for their dolls or cars.
(Ran them down quickly too) :-) Good Job, I look forward to more recipes from Joe and
Mables Cook Book!" Kimberly Gordon - Website
Here To Order Your Online Copy of
Mable's "Almost Healthy" Recipe Book! It's only $19.95
Nothing to download - Simple as Pie. |
Plus, we'll also give you...
A copy of the World's First Viral eBook
cover so that you can promote Mable's famous recipes to all your friends and make enough
money to retire to Jamaica by next Tuesday.
Access to the World's first web-based
smell-o-meter which allows you to gauge the success of your cooking to perfection.
An exclusive invitation to Mable's
combined Caribbean cruise, advanced cooking classes and Internet Marketing seminar
whenever she decides to have it.
Special [members-only] discounts on a wide
range of products and services currently being negotiated by Mable for her loyal fans [to
receive these special discounts you'll need to click here to become a
Member of the Joe and Mable Sitcom club].
Become a MASTER Chef, learn secret cooking
techniques that have been handed down for generations, feed your entire extended family
for less than the cost of four trips to junk food alley, and retire to Jamaica by next
Here To Order Your Online Copy of
Mable's "Almost Healthy" Recipe Book! It's only $19.95
Nothing to download - Simple as Pie. |
This is a unique, one-of-a-kind, online book with worldwide appeal. It's hillarious, it's
entertaining and the recipes are fabulous. Everyone will want to join in the fun and grab
a copy of these wonderful online recipes.

Full Disclaimer
PS... Don't let the rubbish above deter
Mable (aka Jane Mark) is an accomplished chef and professional caterer. These recipes have
been enjoyed by ceo's, top management, and leaders of some of New York's finest
corporations. American Express, Citibank, the Audubon Society, New York University and
more... |
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About Mable's "Almost Healthy" Recipes.
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